Saturday, September 24, 2011

Time Constraint

Hi there,

Been really busy lately as my beloved came to visit me for my graduation... it was a very awesome week last bak to reality... i got a little bit of panic attack... in 2 weeks i will submitting my dissertation...i did wrote 15 pages a few weeks ago but then my supervisor read 2 pages n then told me i think now u understand what i want.. in other words, i need to do all over again in 2 weeks... in 2 weeks i need to write 35 pages of dissertation n finish my index amortizing swap code which m x sure whether possible or not... but again what can i do... life is like dat.,.sometimes u excel sometimes u screw what i can do now is only do the best that i can... i set myself a few goal as u know when u are too busy, u get caught up n forgot what important so better sort out before the start of da busyness.. my few new goal for this 10 weeks:

1.Start and finish my writing at the end of this week(super impossible).
2. Start and modify my index amortizing swap by the end of this week.
3. By hook or by crook, get my hons regardless whatever class it is... as long as this one year does not juz a waste of time...
4. lose 8 more kg in this 10 weeks... i did 10kg in 10 weeks last time..but now i also realise my weight dont seem to go down any further,...but if it's impossible i will be happy to lose 3 more kg n become 65kg which mean my BMI is 25 which is quite okay...
5. To have body fat below 28%... which about 4% more i need to lose...

* i hope i manage to achieve all this...esp my hons... with my family knowing that i am a bit obsess with this weight lose, the last thing i want is not getting my hons n them surely blaming this weight lose thingy... Dear God, grant me courage to do all this...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Second Follow-up (9/9/2011)


yesterday, i did my second follow-up... due to some problems, my follow up is a little bit late... it is now week 10... it should be every 4 weeks... yesterday, officially mark on paper that i lost 10 kg... when we look in TV, when ppl lose 10 kg they look so small... don't be suprise i am still big as always... before when i was 14, i gain 12 kg n never weigh below 72 kg... then in 2 months, i was lighter than i was in 10 years... now i am already below 70 kg... maybe in 4 months, i will be lighter than i was in primary school....hopefully....OMG... this is so fast that it is starting to freak me out... it freak my trainer out also... because when things so fast, there must be something extra extreme... i didn't did any extra stuff just did whatever prescribed plus now i eat whatever sometimes... maybe i gain lots of muscle so even when i eat i still lose weight... but looking at my body hard to say it is muscle...hihihh

but as i said earlier, weight is not an indicator of anything... we just do the weigh in because juz 2 see how it goes... in term of body fat i lose 4.4% in 6 weeks i think... which is really a lot... but as i lose most fat from my back.. i cant really see it... my stomach is still big as usual... in 10 weeks,,, i lose about 7++ % of body fat which is triple what i should be losing... i should lose 2.5% in 10 weeks.. in one way, it seem extra positive... in other direction, it seem scary... i hope i am not malnutrition... but i think m fine... i also not sure.... will see how things will be..

yesterday also Kristy gave me free training session... as usual training with her is super hard compared to my own training session... and the intensity is double harder than before... but with the Italian rugby team training in the same gym with me i become extra motivated.. hihihh... now i think i need to slow down on losing weight... Cardio and less carb honestly is the most contributing to losing weight plus weight training... however, i am not competing in biggest loser so who cares how much i weigh... now i think i think i need to focus more on toning my body... it is easier to do cardio on cardio machine...rather than to do crunch, lunges, squat all dat... i will still do maybe 1-2 hours a wk of cardio machine n lotsss of Zumba..really in love with Zumba... n more hours of toning... plus nw my new prescription i need to exercise 6 hrs a wk only... 2 hours discounted...ahahha....i hope by the end of this, i will be as super athletic as Tara.. i x know whether u guys know or not from biggest loser... although she did not win, she become super fit... that is what i want to be... rather than becoming a broom stick...hihihh ... but again with my super crazy hons... due dissertation very very soon, every week assignments due, my marking and exams around the corner, i hope i will be still alive by the end of the year... sometimes, when u did things in extreme, u become amaze with so much energy and abilities u have.... but i cant just forget my 23 years of free will, easy, laid-back and lazy lifestyles,  sometimes when things super extreme, i will be super sick...this yr i need to hav paryers more than i ever i did in my entire life...May God bless my good intention..... to hard work workout and study smartly...:D