Friday, November 18, 2011

Forth Follow-up (17/11/2011)

It is my second last follow-up...How time flies so's only two weeks left before i go back for good... I lose 2 more kg which is quite surprising with my hectic examination schedule this month..but again, juggling is something that i am quite good with but most of the time I just too lazy to do so... and also due to exams i love to  go to the gym daily so that i can sleep easily at night... i got insomnia sometimes when i am not that prepared with my exams... when i exercise, i calm down, tired and sleep well..This is a technique that i used for quite a long time,.. running is not really my thing but i run a day before exam since my first year in university to help me sleep...

My this journey is nearly coming to the end... but like studying, healthy lifestyle will never come to an end... going back to Malaysia is quite tough an scary as it is called  the food paradise.. I hope i will never gain back what i lose... this so-called hard work is too much to bear to be repeated once again.. i hope i will always remember that fact...

Sometimes, when the scale keep on going down, u keep on obsessing with losing weight and keep on going too far... or sometimes when the scales don't seem moving,  we stop..but after going through all this, i think the key is patience... being realistic, there are times we are tired, there are times our body can't take it any more and don't seem wanting to change... but all along the way, we need to always remind ourselves of why are we doing all this... what is healthy lifestyle??... is something damaging to ourselves like 4 hours of training per day or super low calories food, are they considered  healthy?... but again as human being, it is our nature to rush everything, lack of patience and with this modern life, we want everything to be fast fast and fast... but again we should aim for something that we can manage for the rest of our lives rather than the fast fast fast thing usually quite temporary term of medical perspective, it is good to lose excess weight but again as we all know, weight lose is merely more energy out than energy more physical activities and less eating... but again  if it mean doing something unhealthy, isn't that contradict the purpose of wanting to be healthier...