Monday, July 11, 2011

A step towards healthy lifestyles...

After going to Kristy class for a while, i just know that if i was to do this, i will be doing it with her.. i been telling my friends, some are supportive, some think i am just being ridiculous and weight lose is not that dramatic... but again time is not a luxury.. i was so busy and i dont think this will be a good time to do this.. but one day, a reality strike, i realise time will always pass by and it was never a luxury.. if we keep on waiting, it will just fly away... so in June 2011, i make my mind to do something with my weight... after gaining enough courage, i talk with Kristy about my intention to be fitter and healthier... she was so pleased but she said she would love to help but she said this is no playing is real hard work....  i feel a bit freak out and decide i will only start after my final exams which was in 3 weeks time... it is true what she said this is more mental strength rather than physical capacity.. in the 3 weeks period, there are a few times i feel like not doing them..

at last, the time have come... i was so nervous that day my resting heart rate is so high... it started with a blood pressure check, measurement, fat test and then a photograph session which she said to remind me one day how far i been.. then, from all the test, she concluded that i have a good heart so i will be able to do hardcore gym work..ahahha... but i have a  high percentage of fat which mostly centred at my stomach which is medically dangerous... this increase the likeliness of cardiovascular disease.. at that moment, i realise this is not just a playing game of trying to be healthy but this is something i really need to do.. she said now the urgency is to lose weight... she said the less urgent to lose weight, the more focus to lead healthier lifestyles... but as for now, the urgency to lose weight is really high..

the training program she prescribed include a 8 hours of training per week... at first, it seem impossible but after a while, the training part is not a big problem.. but again this is easy to me because i been playing sport all my life... but for people who are overweight but never exercise, you need to start it slowly and 8 hours is quite dangerous to begin with... i use to easy life... the only difficulties that i face is that this hard work is not my comfort zone.. i feel sore everywhere every single days... there are moment i feel like giving up... but as time pass by, pain become my friend and i learn to suck up all the soreness... sometimes, we need to do things the difficult ways to better appreciate them.. honestly, this is the most hard work that i ever endure in my lifetime... i am quite gifted with intelligence so i never really struggling with my studies and the same goes with finance.. i am the youngest girl in my family, i always get away with i understand better some struggle my friends face in their life... some ways, trying to lose weight make me learn more about myself and life...the boundaries that i been putting and the so much strength that i got that i never realise... one thing for sure, if i manage to lose weight i will help others to do so.. but again everything come with a price to pay... and every exercise come with injury to endure... now i got a wrist problem which i hope nothing serious.. i will know the result tomorrow.. but that is life, there is always setback.. but we need to stay strong and just have faith in things that we want..

then the food part... i guess this is the harder part..
     1.  i need to eat every 2-3 hours which is hard to accommodate..
     2.  then, some of the food was never in my food diary...
     3.  no sugar policy is even worst
     4. and lastly most days without carbs at dinner time...
     5. so much veges
     6. water water water

 the first part  and the last one it still in mess... i always forget to eat and drink enough plain water.. i tried to be more organised but still you hardly plan life... sometimes, you already plan to eat then your friend come and talk about her problem, you can't easily say please excuse me i need to eat.. so still with so much responsibility, i still try to figure out how to eat every 2-3 hours.. the second problem is okay, we discuss that when designing the food plan besides some of the food i dont like, she tried to make it so that it will go inline with my taste bud.. no sugar policy was hard as i am a big fan of tea and ice blended... but after a while, i fall in love with green tea and it is acceptable to drink without sugar.. the carbs problem also settled.. i dont know where it come from but i manage not to eat carbs at all at night...  and i also started to love veges... my eating habit is till in is healthy but chaotic... i still slack here and there hopefully will be better in time..

it been nearly 2 weeks with my healthy lifestyle... it is hard as this is not my comfort zone.. and on top of that, sometimes,  people around you let you down.. or people don't really understand... people who will always discourage you... or a friend feel insecure with your changes and trying to stop you... or friends who hate you no longer go to Stabuck with them and will say this and that... or friends who don't know and curious why you been declining their invitations...but whatever you do in this world, there are always people who say that you cant... i remember when i want to do Algebra paper, people say this will only make your CGPA go downhill... but again as long as you have enough determinations and self belief that this is what you want, things will be alright and on top of that  having willingness to sacrifice to achieve your dream.... there will always be obstacles, hardship along the ways but just stay calm and have faith in things that you do.. if it is important to you and if is it things you want to do, just go ahead.. never go against yourself... do what you want to do and do it with all your give without counting the losing weight, healthier lifestyle and inspiring others.. lastly, one things for sure, sometimes we need more than just hard work, we need professional help... cheers