Thursday, August 11, 2011

Challenge 1: August 3 Weeks Mental and Physical, Toughness, Balance, Versatility Challenge


Selamat berpuasa everyone... it been 6 weeks now on my toward healthy lifestyle process... it been some sort a routine now... but since Ramadhan comes,  things getting trickier but don't worry, workable..this month i got myself three weeks mental and physical gruelling... As u know now is Ramadhan which only happen once in a year... Basically, this challenge is more like to find balance... dedication to my study which i already half-hearted in doing which is my responsibility to my mum, family and country..with so much hope and expectation from my mum and lecturers da last thing u want is to let ppl u love down.... secondly my own want, which is this healthy lifestyle..n also my trainer want... as she did fat test instead of weigh in, it is hard to i need to work my ass off to make sure i don't lose any muscle... and the most importantly it is Ramadhan, it happen only one in a is a moment when u try ur best to be a better muslim... a time to reflect and seek forgiveness... n on top of dat... i got a life to live... frenss to entertain, family to care, my job as a marker for a 300 level Maths paper... and my own life to live... things dat i love, music,  movies , skin care, talking and writing, magazines, shopping n etc...

it kind of hard to find the balance... u don't want eat too much that u need to exercise too hard... but u dont want to eat too little and dont have energy to exercise...u don't want to exercise too hard that u don't have energy to do your assignment... u don't want to dedicated too much time on assignment, that u don't have time to do your obligation to God...u want to sleep enough, so dat u function properly...but u don't want to spend too much time sleeping, that u don't have time to reflect..u don't want to be too tired that ur mum can sense it when u call her.....u don't also want to be a horrible fren, sister and aunty... u don't want to spend too much time to reflect, that u don't have time to write your dissertation... but u don't want to spend too much time writting dissertation that u forgot to do Maths...on top of dat, u don't want to lose urself... things that make u happy... things that u lyk...OMG :D

it is tough to find the balance... to be a good muslim, a good daughter, a good student, a good fren, not letting my trainer down... that's y ppl say u cant have everything... this month i will try to have everything... i hope i will find the balance... i tried my best so far..i admit it is hard... but again u gotta do what u gotta do..when things r important to u, so juz do it... i work up at 5 eat then do my assignment, go to class, in between i do things i love if i hav time lyk shopping, then berbuka, terawih, gym n sleep sometimes in my gym clothing n da things repeat...hopefully i will hav enough energy to do all this n don't get bored n stop...n most importantly i hope i will be able to find my balance...all these r important... none r more important than other... Islam is my religion, study is what my family and lecturer want me to succeed, healthy lifestyle is what i want..... n most importantly i hope i dont lose myself in the midst of busyness... to 3wks of mental and physical gruelling...