Sunday, December 11, 2011

Last Follow-up (1/12/2011)


Now m already back in my hometown in Kuching...The transition with this healthy lifestyle is a bit hard but again maybe time is what i need..

I can't believe that my journey with Kristy  already ending... i still got lots to learn but again it was meant to be this way...4 yrs in Auckland i only know her my last year,..It's been a very wonderful experience... Overall, i lose 10% of body fat with her since 30/6 to 1/12/2011..about 5 months... I will be internally grateful for the knowledge and experience that she shared with me.. i still deeply interested in this field but again i can't figure it out yet what to be... but i vow that one day i will give back.. i think the only problem that fat ppl have is dat most of the time they are lack of knowledge of what to do... i hope that i will stay strong enough in msia with 1001 food temptation and also laziness due to comfort of home...finger cross...

Friday, November 18, 2011

Forth Follow-up (17/11/2011)

It is my second last follow-up...How time flies so's only two weeks left before i go back for good... I lose 2 more kg which is quite surprising with my hectic examination schedule this month..but again, juggling is something that i am quite good with but most of the time I just too lazy to do so... and also due to exams i love to  go to the gym daily so that i can sleep easily at night... i got insomnia sometimes when i am not that prepared with my exams... when i exercise, i calm down, tired and sleep well..This is a technique that i used for quite a long time,.. running is not really my thing but i run a day before exam since my first year in university to help me sleep...

My this journey is nearly coming to the end... but like studying, healthy lifestyle will never come to an end... going back to Malaysia is quite tough an scary as it is called  the food paradise.. I hope i will never gain back what i lose... this so-called hard work is too much to bear to be repeated once again.. i hope i will always remember that fact...

Sometimes, when the scale keep on going down, u keep on obsessing with losing weight and keep on going too far... or sometimes when the scales don't seem moving,  we stop..but after going through all this, i think the key is patience... being realistic, there are times we are tired, there are times our body can't take it any more and don't seem wanting to change... but all along the way, we need to always remind ourselves of why are we doing all this... what is healthy lifestyle??... is something damaging to ourselves like 4 hours of training per day or super low calories food, are they considered  healthy?... but again as human being, it is our nature to rush everything, lack of patience and with this modern life, we want everything to be fast fast and fast... but again we should aim for something that we can manage for the rest of our lives rather than the fast fast fast thing usually quite temporary term of medical perspective, it is good to lose excess weight but again as we all know, weight lose is merely more energy out than energy more physical activities and less eating... but again  if it mean doing something unhealthy, isn't that contradict the purpose of wanting to be healthier...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Slim Down Smarter


The key to successful and  sustainable weight loss is moderation... but there are certain people like me who are not really good with moderation.. I like to do things in extreme so that I need only to do them once... There are week I will go for really super healthy food for every single day without miss, which actually a bit non realistic to maintain in a long run or there are week where I would exercise every single day and would do sometimes two hours  a day, a few times a week or there are week I will combine both extreme... but after a while, all this extreme is impossible to sustain in a long run except you quit studying or working and stop living, then maybe this will be realistic..  Below I  list down  a few ways in my opinion, to slim down smarter..

1. Don't Ever Ban any Food
I don't even like to eat meat, fries and pizza although I eat them occasionally because they are some of food that my family and friend like to eat... but when I started to say to myself never to touch all that, I started to build a weird craving for the food that I don't even enjoy...Even carbonated drink, I rarely drink carbonated drink as it making me gassy but there is one time I got a very intense craving for Coca Cola..I don't know how but I think it is human nature that we love to do things which are prohibited and don't like to do things when they are legal.. Like in Lady Gaga song Judas which somewhat saying that we all know that religion is good for us but we are more attracted to Judas the bad the key is that eat what you want but in moderation...small smaller and smaller portion when it is super duper unhealthy... but If you have a super crazy craving like Carbonara which can be up 2000-3000 calories make sure you really work hard that week before you eat them.. Try this you will have less weird craving!!!!!!!

2. Love Exercise
The reality is that you can't lose weight only just by watching your diet... You will be jiggly and lose lots of muscle which contradict the purpose of being healthy... Exercise is a very fun things to do for me... I been engaging in active physical activities since a very young age... but again excessive eating of unhealthy food and sedentary lifestyle due to modernisation and living in the middle of city factors exceed my physical activities which making me fatter rather than slimmer...  Exercising sound and look scary but there are a wide range of activities you can do from in the gym like treadmill to weight lifting or group fitness where you can make friend... I like Body Pump it is a very energetic and pushing the limit class... or you can engage in sport.. I love playing basketball and futsal... then last year I took squash lesson and  love them.. or you can do things like walking in the beach, swimming, dancing Zumba is fun... They key is that choose something that you like.. people say treadmill can make you lose weight easily... I got a treadmill in my room since forever but as it is not something I love to do, nothing much it did to my weight.. When you do things that you enjoy, you don't feel like doing anything...

3. Being Able to Differentiate Muscle Soreness and Injury
One thing that always stop people from exercising is that soreness and pain which always making people think that they are injured.. but the reality is that muscle soreness is a part of process for the muscle to be stronger... when you exercise especially a new routine, you will sometimes feel sore which is actually Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness(DOMS) is just a way of muscle adapting to the new changes... when we exercise like lifting weight, there will be some tearing of our muscle fibre which need lots of energy to fixed the tear... we feel sore but at the same times this use lots of energy to fixed the tear making we loss more weight... some loss some gain..but the key is to understand your body... You are injured when you are unable to do basic living process like walking... If you just feel sore and tired, have  a rest and it will be fine after a few hours or days...  Like I said before, weight loss is not easy... It is lots of sacrifice, discipline and dedication..

4. Don't be Stingy, be Financially Smart
One thing I realise about weight loss is that be generous with money.. There are things like cooking which takes up so much time and effort, if you are in a rush just grab something healthy to eat like Subway or sushi...the problem is the if you wait and go back and cook, by the time you eat, you will be super hungry and will end up eating way too much... so better to spend some money rather than saving and gain more pound...  Instaed of buying ordinary oat that you need to cook, but the quick sachet oat which will be done 2 min in the microwave... the reality is that as a student regardless how organised you are, there are times things can be pretty chaotic and out of control... Easier things always costing more but again sometimes we need to be realistic above all... In Wall Street movie, there is a very good quotation " is not the prime asset in life, time is...."...but if money is your concern, then, be disciplined and always plan your meal way ahead....

5. Avoid Negative Thought
I think one of the hardest things about weight lose is that fear that keep on haunting you... before you start the weight loss process, the fear will be will I be able to ever lose weight??.. but as you started to lose weight the new fear will emerge thoughts like will I be able to sustain all things??... You need to avoid all this evil demon thought... They can be damaging... but again sometimes you cant help... like me I been overweight my entire life... in 2 months, I was lighter than I was in this past 10 years, it is a lie if I said I am not scared that all this just temporary and I will never be able to sustain this in a long run... the key is that acknowledge your fear, talk to someone, write in diary and then you will  feel better... but again it is good to have fear at least you always be reminded that you have something to lose... just don't make them take over your life..

6. Have Support System
When I start this weight lose program, in a way I am changing my lifestyle... It is hard to make some people to understand you... your family or friend will feel you eat western society food way too much, nothing Asian about eating vege and protein dinner or they feel you starting to lose yourself or excessive exercise is way more damaging than good or people feel you no longer fun when you no longer hanging out in Starbuck or eating fatty greasy fast food... Contrary to Biggest Loser, it is way harder to have support system in real life... but you need support system... so stay away from negative people and always talk to supportive people... 

7. Stop Stressing Out About The Number On The Scale
Exercise will make you build muscle which is heavy so the number on the scale can be disappointing... the better indicator is that your clothes... you can see that you are actually shrinking...

8. Sleep
A good sleep also vital in weight loss process... sleep repair the muscle and rest the body..

9. Patience is a Virtue
Weight Loss is not a one day thing.. You can't expect to run 5km and lose 5kg tomorrow... you need to have faith in things you do...weight lose is somehow mystery... sometimes the result is quick sometimes it is slow.. so just do what you do and have faith in your effort... work more than others but expect less than others..

10. Day Off
Always have day off from exercising or healthy food... We need to be able to indulge in food or lazying in bed  one day in week without feeling guilty.... then when you are in this stage not feeling guilty for being naughty here and there, well done you already achieve high level of understanding of weight loss...

Last but not least, there is no use in doing things that you don't enjoy... Work hard but have rest here and there...Reward yourself all the time... Don't be too hard on yourself... Push when you can, stop when it is way too much...Understand your body...Rest when you severely sore... Good luck all the best :D

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Third Follow-up (14/10/2011)

Had my third follow-up last Friday..for safety and also to avoid frustration, a few days before the weigh in, i already warn Kristy not to be hopeful and i just can pray i don't gain weight...but it turn out i did lose 1.2 kg... with not much attention paid to my diet and also super decrease in exercising it is still amazing that i did lose weigh... lose some muscle which is a bit frustrating... i did realise some jiggly jiggly in my arm...basically once you exercise and do weight training u cant is so easy to lose muscle...

it been 3++ months m doing this healthy lifetsyle... it been a roller coaster... one moment m super excited and moment i feel m ungrateful so far in my life never work really hard...and when trying to lose weight which require lotss of sacrifice from me, i realise how ungrateful i was... never being appreciative of things that i have in my life, never make full use of God gifted talent, making me becoming hard working and grateful with my life for a while... one moment i was a bit anorexic...i hav a compulsion to do excessive exercise when i eat or i eat really really little... then, one moment i feel people don't understand  and supportive of me... ... life is too short to not to eat so much delicious foods that the world got 2 offer and to exhaust yourself every single days... then now i think m becoming lazy... eating healthy no longer a really tempting thing to do and my muscle, bone and body are just too lazy to exercise... i already vow to myself that i will be discipline and motivated back in all this weight lose...basically, all this weight lose thing, is not easy... there will always be roller coaster... but u juz need to keep going and preach what you believe... :D

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Time Constraint

Hi there,

Been really busy lately as my beloved came to visit me for my graduation... it was a very awesome week last bak to reality... i got a little bit of panic attack... in 2 weeks i will submitting my dissertation...i did wrote 15 pages a few weeks ago but then my supervisor read 2 pages n then told me i think now u understand what i want.. in other words, i need to do all over again in 2 weeks... in 2 weeks i need to write 35 pages of dissertation n finish my index amortizing swap code which m x sure whether possible or not... but again what can i do... life is like dat.,.sometimes u excel sometimes u screw what i can do now is only do the best that i can... i set myself a few goal as u know when u are too busy, u get caught up n forgot what important so better sort out before the start of da busyness.. my few new goal for this 10 weeks:

1.Start and finish my writing at the end of this week(super impossible).
2. Start and modify my index amortizing swap by the end of this week.
3. By hook or by crook, get my hons regardless whatever class it is... as long as this one year does not juz a waste of time...
4. lose 8 more kg in this 10 weeks... i did 10kg in 10 weeks last time..but now i also realise my weight dont seem to go down any further,...but if it's impossible i will be happy to lose 3 more kg n become 65kg which mean my BMI is 25 which is quite okay...
5. To have body fat below 28%... which about 4% more i need to lose...

* i hope i manage to achieve all this...esp my hons... with my family knowing that i am a bit obsess with this weight lose, the last thing i want is not getting my hons n them surely blaming this weight lose thingy... Dear God, grant me courage to do all this...

Friday, September 9, 2011

Second Follow-up (9/9/2011)


yesterday, i did my second follow-up... due to some problems, my follow up is a little bit late... it is now week 10... it should be every 4 weeks... yesterday, officially mark on paper that i lost 10 kg... when we look in TV, when ppl lose 10 kg they look so small... don't be suprise i am still big as always... before when i was 14, i gain 12 kg n never weigh below 72 kg... then in 2 months, i was lighter than i was in 10 years... now i am already below 70 kg... maybe in 4 months, i will be lighter than i was in primary school....hopefully....OMG... this is so fast that it is starting to freak me out... it freak my trainer out also... because when things so fast, there must be something extra extreme... i didn't did any extra stuff just did whatever prescribed plus now i eat whatever sometimes... maybe i gain lots of muscle so even when i eat i still lose weight... but looking at my body hard to say it is muscle...hihihh

but as i said earlier, weight is not an indicator of anything... we just do the weigh in because juz 2 see how it goes... in term of body fat i lose 4.4% in 6 weeks i think... which is really a lot... but as i lose most fat from my back.. i cant really see it... my stomach is still big as usual... in 10 weeks,,, i lose about 7++ % of body fat which is triple what i should be losing... i should lose 2.5% in 10 weeks.. in one way, it seem extra positive... in other direction, it seem scary... i hope i am not malnutrition... but i think m fine... i also not sure.... will see how things will be..

yesterday also Kristy gave me free training session... as usual training with her is super hard compared to my own training session... and the intensity is double harder than before... but with the Italian rugby team training in the same gym with me i become extra motivated.. hihihh... now i think i need to slow down on losing weight... Cardio and less carb honestly is the most contributing to losing weight plus weight training... however, i am not competing in biggest loser so who cares how much i weigh... now i think i think i need to focus more on toning my body... it is easier to do cardio on cardio machine...rather than to do crunch, lunges, squat all dat... i will still do maybe 1-2 hours a wk of cardio machine n lotsss of Zumba..really in love with Zumba... n more hours of toning... plus nw my new prescription i need to exercise 6 hrs a wk only... 2 hours discounted...ahahha....i hope by the end of this, i will be as super athletic as Tara.. i x know whether u guys know or not from biggest loser... although she did not win, she become super fit... that is what i want to be... rather than becoming a broom stick...hihihh ... but again with my super crazy hons... due dissertation very very soon, every week assignments due, my marking and exams around the corner, i hope i will be still alive by the end of the year... sometimes, when u did things in extreme, u become amaze with so much energy and abilities u have.... but i cant just forget my 23 years of free will, easy, laid-back and lazy lifestyles,  sometimes when things super extreme, i will be super sick...this yr i need to hav paryers more than i ever i did in my entire life...May God bless my good intention..... to hard work workout and study smartly...:D

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Challenge 1 Update


Today is the second or third last days of my  August 3 Weeks Mental and Physical, Toughness, Balance, Versatility Challenge... like anything else in life, it is a bitter sweet experience...

 the first week was hard... it was the beginning... not so sure what to eat...and i remember the first night of fasting, when i tried to exercise, i feel really dizzy n feel like fainting...most probably due to the really drop of sugar level... with two due assignments and one mini test, it is not helping at all... it was so tiring and stressful... and also i tried to went to Zumba because at the same time, my gym have a group fitness competition where u need to have certain amount of sticker to eligible for a lucky draw... i tried to meet the min requirement 10 stickers so dat i can participate in the lucky draw.. basically this week is really the test of mental and physical versatility... although i don't finish my assignment, but it more of my own fault who  like to end doing everything the few hours before due time... i email my food diary to Kristy and she was pleased with it... I was happy that i eat the right things...

This week thing kind of a routine... i wake up at 5 eat pray, then do my assignment or work, go to class, go shopping in the between, then cooking, eat, pray terawih in uni n exercise... this week in term of exercise it was so good... i even did 2 hrs... did zumba 5.20-6.20 then cardio or weight at 8.00... but the eating part was horrible... i started to eat anything because i know Kristy is away and i know i surely will lose weight as a result of fasting... then since, this week the food diary was really horrible... it all start with a  bite of salmon pizza... then this and that... Kristy is not dat pleased with this week food diary... and ask me to stop eating i know it going to be really hard when fasting end as i already use to eat everything... hopefully things getting better...

i don't know due to extra fatigue or just simply because the extreme cold weather... i was sick this week... i was so sick that i spend my time sleeping all the time... i just woke up for class and prayer time... and then i lost appetite in food... i eat only sushi for dinner for 3 consecutive days with no eating all day... this week i take a week off from exercising...sometimes being sick is a way God tried to tell us to slow down n take a rest... with again 2 assignment due on 2 consecutive days, this is really hard... i was under medication so i did feel dizzy if i x rest enough...with fasting and sickness don't really go in line... i was so weak and can't really think clearly... but sometimes u gotta do what u gotta do... alhamdullilah with the power of God, it turns out i did manage to finish my assignments...

i think i did the best that i could... if minus the sickness, maybe it will be perfect... but again u cant do everything... sometimes u do lose something when u juggle 1000 things at a time... but again the reality, it is not possible to succeed in everything... but we need to have self-belief... and like as i said earlier, this is what i need to do... i know deep inside, i am capable of juggling 1000 things in one time...but i use to easy life, hardship don't really register in my vocab... that's y i am sick when i am over exhausted... but u need to try to be tough... sometimes, u need to do things u are not good with... so that hopefully one day u will be good with... and as i said earlier also, this is everything that is important to me... fasting is apart of my faith, studying is a part of my responsibility to my country and family and i cant let my mum down n thirdly healthy lifestyle is something i want for the longest time eva..but never manage to hav  faith that i will ever lose weight... then suddenly, in two months, everything seem possible surely this is not something i will ever let go... althought ppl don;t understand... they always feel i need to concentrate with my hons as it is something really hard and important... but they need to understand i never succeeded in losing weight... when it is somehow seem possible, surely this is way more important... getting hons is important too but i been through a lot of academic   success and sometimes it is just things making others happy... whereas losing weight will be more more an accomplishment if i achieve it as it is not something m gifted or good with... but again, that is human nature.. u want what u don't have and you don't appreciate what u have... but again i cant expect my family or friends to understand either, this is hons from UOA and it will be really prestigious to own one and this is an opportunity once in a lifetime and again i was more busier with losing weight.. where is the logic.. as i cant make ppl understand.. i need to make sure i did the best for that it will not turn me down and also don't give ppl excuses to question and blame me, maybe to some, unwise decision...To healthy lifestyle..

Friday, August 12, 2011

The dynamic of sugar

Like most normal girl,  I am a sugar addict without realising them... esp during examination and busy days, the things to keep me going usually chocolate, biscuit, Starbuck, energy drinks, all types of teas...but most of time, white chocolate, white mocha, white chocolate... I am not a big fan of dessert but i love bakery...custard bun, butter bun, cream bun n bla bla bla... All of things are high in sugar...

In my countries, we use sugar all the time... in our drink, in our cooking... but what we don't realise that other carbohydrate also break down into glucose which is a simple form of sugar... that is why diet which are high in sugar are not really a healthy option... high intake of sugar usually link with obesity and diabetes... but the reality is that it is more than that... every time we eat food which are high in sugar, our pancreas work extra hard to realise insulin to balance the sugar level... but up to one point, through so much hard work, this system fails... like us also, when we works so hard, then up to one point we will be so exhausted and flat... but when this fails, the blood sugar level in our body don't have hormone to maintain its function... we always heard about high blood pressure... diabetes is actually a term for high blood sugar... this is a metabolic disease where body does not produce enough insulin or cells in our organ no longer respond to insulin...This is fact that most people know about sugar...

but other than that, there are many more consequences that we face when  our diet is high in sugar before diabetes come in... one thing is that constant hunger...when we fuel our body with lots of sugar...we will be super energetic for one moment... then when the blood sugar drop we tend to feel tired and that is why we keep on wanting to eat to stabilise our blood sugar level... The second effect of diet high in sugar also making people feel so tired and sleepy....this is also due to the constant increase and decrease in blood sugar...

but again as we know it we need some form of sugar in our life for energy... if not, the condition of hypoglycaemic which up to some extend is really dangerous and fatal... as we know, carbohydrate also break down into eating carbohydrate we already have sugar in our system... we don't need excess of refine sugar .. things like chocolate, ice cream, ice blended drinks, dessert have little  nutritional value, nothing but just sugar... but again once in a while, it is okay to have a treat.. but to consume all this every single days, it is really bad for our body... the second solution is that eating every 2-3 hours... this make sure that our blood sugar have a consistent level... the constant increase and drop in sugar is what is dangerous because it causes pancreas to work extra hard to balance this... up to one point, the ability to function will be less effective... and the last but not least, decrease in intake of carbohydrate... as we know carbohydrate break down also into glucose which is a form of sugar...excessive intake will produce the same result as eating too much chocolate, coke cola and etc..

 I am a big fan of tea... i drink from 4-12 cups of tea every single day from a very young age... when i cant put sugar in my drink, it kind of hard... what i recommend is that to cut down sugar intake slowly in your diet... i cut sugar straight away once i start the program and it is quite dangerous... unless there is someone motoring you, it is safe to cut down all intake... after a week, i feel so weak... i feel tired all the time... this is some sort of sugar detox process where your body tried to adapt to the changes... that is not the scary part... the scary part is that during the third week where i had a very scary mood swing... i have so much anger and sensitivity where i don't know coming from where...i got angry over every single things... and also sensitive over every single words that people say.. this is also result from drop of sugar intake... but trust me, after you go through that, you will be amaze with so much energy that you have when you cut sugar... but we still need sugar, we can have them from intake of carbohydrate like rice, bread, apple... i don't recommend cut off sugar intake straight away unless you think like me, you have an urgency to lose weight... what you can do is that reduce the amount of intake and when you ready you cut it off... so that you don't have extreme fatigue and crazy mood swing... if you want to have more energy, this is one of the most effective solution... no sugar policy...good luck

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Challenge 1: August 3 Weeks Mental and Physical, Toughness, Balance, Versatility Challenge


Selamat berpuasa everyone... it been 6 weeks now on my toward healthy lifestyle process... it been some sort a routine now... but since Ramadhan comes,  things getting trickier but don't worry, workable..this month i got myself three weeks mental and physical gruelling... As u know now is Ramadhan which only happen once in a year... Basically, this challenge is more like to find balance... dedication to my study which i already half-hearted in doing which is my responsibility to my mum, family and country..with so much hope and expectation from my mum and lecturers da last thing u want is to let ppl u love down.... secondly my own want, which is this healthy lifestyle..n also my trainer want... as she did fat test instead of weigh in, it is hard to i need to work my ass off to make sure i don't lose any muscle... and the most importantly it is Ramadhan, it happen only one in a is a moment when u try ur best to be a better muslim... a time to reflect and seek forgiveness... n on top of dat... i got a life to live... frenss to entertain, family to care, my job as a marker for a 300 level Maths paper... and my own life to live... things dat i love, music,  movies , skin care, talking and writing, magazines, shopping n etc...

it kind of hard to find the balance... u don't want eat too much that u need to exercise too hard... but u dont want to eat too little and dont have energy to exercise...u don't want to exercise too hard that u don't have energy to do your assignment... u don't want to dedicated too much time on assignment, that u don't have time to do your obligation to God...u want to sleep enough, so dat u function properly...but u don't want to spend too much time sleeping, that u don't have time to reflect..u don't want to be too tired that ur mum can sense it when u call her.....u don't also want to be a horrible fren, sister and aunty... u don't want to spend too much time to reflect, that u don't have time to write your dissertation... but u don't want to spend too much time writting dissertation that u forgot to do Maths...on top of dat, u don't want to lose urself... things that make u happy... things that u lyk...OMG :D

it is tough to find the balance... to be a good muslim, a good daughter, a good student, a good fren, not letting my trainer down... that's y ppl say u cant have everything... this month i will try to have everything... i hope i will find the balance... i tried my best so far..i admit it is hard... but again u gotta do what u gotta do..when things r important to u, so juz do it... i work up at 5 eat then do my assignment, go to class, in between i do things i love if i hav time lyk shopping, then berbuka, terawih, gym n sleep sometimes in my gym clothing n da things repeat...hopefully i will hav enough energy to do all this n don't get bored n stop...n most importantly i hope i will be able to find my balance...all these r important... none r more important than other... Islam is my religion, study is what my family and lecturer want me to succeed, healthy lifestyle is what i want..... n most importantly i hope i dont lose myself in the midst of busyness... to 3wks of mental and physical gruelling...

First Follow-up (28/7/2011)


About 2 weeks ago, i did my first follow up with her... it is a monthly follow-up to see progress...we did measurement, fat test n photo her fav part but didn't do any weigh in...bcos as u exercise, u gain muscle mass sometimes... i lose 3-4 cm on every part of my body... when i look at a ruler, it seem a lot but still when i look at myself it don't see much different... she said the normal one is usually 1cm per 4 weeks n she is so impress with what i is so obvious that what i eat and my laziness is contributing factor to my fatness.. i never really lose anything in my life so quick... but when i eat healthy and moving it seem to work... on the body fat test, i lose 2.5% of body fat... which she say is a lot... she wants me to lose 1% per 4 weeks but still she said 1% is not something really achievable... as i lose 2.5% it would be really good... but she said the more u lose, the harder for u to lose afta dis and the faster u lose, the harder to maintain... but again she said with discipline and dedication, this is possible... i don't know how true is all it true what i achieve is as good as what she say maybe she juz want to keep me motivated... but again i can lose a bit also an achievement considering 19 yrs of being overweight... i hope this will continues...:D

Thursday, July 14, 2011



Yesterday, i gav Kristy my first eva food diary after the nutrition session...she was so impress... i think like myself, she also don't believe i will follow her suggestion.. at first, looking at her food planning, deep inside, i also think this is not going to work... but as i am changing both my food and exercise regime, it making it hard not to follow what ever she said.. the amount of time and energy i spend in gym, making me more conscious of  the decision i make.. i still remember the warm up session during the pt, the warm up was 7 min on the bike on a kilomanjaro hill mode level 9 i think which make me sweat after a few minutes and when it is done she said we burn one apple or one bread... then i realise no wonder i never lose weight... this is so hard.. that is why i feel guilty to my body who work hard during all the work out if i feed them wrongly.. this is my biggest motivation... it is so hard to exercise too much, it is so hard to eat restrictedly.. this is how much sacrifice need to be done to lose weight healthily.. u can dont eat and lose weight but u will lose more muscle mass rather than fat.. in a long run, u will be weak... hence it is important to do it the right way... this so much effort, time, money, energy been a big part of motivation to get goin...i been this far but there r still long way to go..

the second motivation is surely my family and friends.. when i was younger, my mum said heart attack is just an excuse actually what  happen was that  it was ur dad time hav arrive and God want him back, He know best and this is the best for him... as a young teenager, u believe all what my mum said.. in a way it is also true what my mum said...what mean to be will be... God know best..but again God also want us to improve ourselves...heart attack due to obesity is preventable in some ways..but as i grew older, my dad, my grandma who live with me died of sudden heart attack... my mum n brother under high blood pressure medication... all my sibling except my youngest brother r overweight, as u grew older, u r wiser n know this all cant happen coincidently, there must be reason for all this...i love my family so much.. i want them to be happy, to live longer experiencing all the beauty of life...but again sometimes lavish and free will lifestyle sometimes do hurt you in some ways.. sometimes regardless how much we hate it, we need some discipline.. hopefully, with making this changes, my family will want to follow me... but again now with my house mates who are young people who should be open minded with new things also dont want to eat my food...always eeeu eeew here and there when trying my food... cant imagine my family who always eating delicious food 24/7.. this is going to be tough...but to change the world, we need to change ourselves..   May God always be with me in this tough journey.. besides my families, i also have some close friends who are obese.. hopefully, this will inspire them to lose weight and sometimes it is more than just self image, this is because every extra pound you carry come with the increase threat to is the most important aspect in life...even money cant buy health.. although nearly all my girlfriends are skinny but hopefully this will inspire them to live healthier... good metabolism is a bless but a skinny body does not indicate a healthy self....

the third motivation that always motivate me is Kristy.. i know this sound gay.. but she is a real inspiration...she is a businesswoman, a personal trainer and a nutritionist..on top of that, she instruct classes in uni gym which i am sure does not pay her much... then, she did research about diabetes.. she is also a good dancer....recently, there is le tour de gym in the uni gym which just mimic le tour de France... she participate in 2 groups and one individual...she said as a trainer she need to set good examples to others especially uni students and which hopefully will inspire others...  this two weeks, she also will take most other instructor classes who r away...she got lots of money...but still giving bak by working in the uni gym n helping ppl lyk me who dont pay her much...on top of dat, she still manage to look hot and hav a life... .. i don't know where she got all the energy....she seem to hav everything very gal dream... successful, able to giv bak, helping others, hot, rich, she is also a very intelligent woman day, i pray that i will be as successful as her... n hav a cool job like her... but still be able to give bak and help people... on top of that, she still manage to smile and spend time entertaining my stupid questions...i think i waste too much  time doing nothing... hopefully one day i will know what i want to do and make full use of time n b lyk her utilising full potential...She's been a big motivation to me... at first, i thought she is just a trainer and she got so so so many clients and i dont think she would care about me.. but seeing her so supportive in any possible ways it is hard 4 me to let her down.. i will never be able to repay her and  only God can repay her and may God bless u always... i will b eternally grateful for all dis...

lastly, the biggest motivation to do this would be myself.. i said to my friend, i will never dated an overweight guy.. this is true.. weight have been a major battle for me.. it is not so much of self image..i am bless with wonderful friends who dont discriminate me.. it more of things that i am not capable of doing because of my weight... i do love sport but up to some point, i always need to stop or back up because i get tired or i get injured... the second things is that clothing... in nz, it is fine.. i wore the biggest size for normal woman store... but in Malaysia, i need to spend more money on clothing compared to others... i can only wear size that have numbers which indicate i need to buy overseas brand such as Dorothy Perkins, Mark n Spencer... this limit my choice of clothing and waste my money.. this is just tiny miny reason... i been doing a lot of things which i think i will never be able to do and successfully doing them well but when comes to weight i always lose in the battle... sometimes, it would be fun to be good at things u r not good with... sometimes it is good to taste the sweetness of hard work.. things been so easy to me that i become so lazy, laid-back n miss so much opportunity... not been where i should be, lose the one that i love truly, madly, deeply, ungrateful and taking things for granted... this is just a weight lose journey but in a way, it become emotional...every step in the treadmill remind me all the memories of the lose opportunity, how grateful i should be, the unwise decision done.... i know we shouldn't hav regret...i dont.. but sometimes it is good to reminiscent the past and make sure they dont repeat itself.. hopefully, this sweet bitter journey making me more appreciative and grateful of things that i have.. hopefully this wrist injury, physically pain dont stop me from trying... lastly hopefully i will be tougher... n hopefuly what hurt but does not kill, make me stronger...peace..

Monday, July 11, 2011

A step towards healthy lifestyles...

After going to Kristy class for a while, i just know that if i was to do this, i will be doing it with her.. i been telling my friends, some are supportive, some think i am just being ridiculous and weight lose is not that dramatic... but again time is not a luxury.. i was so busy and i dont think this will be a good time to do this.. but one day, a reality strike, i realise time will always pass by and it was never a luxury.. if we keep on waiting, it will just fly away... so in June 2011, i make my mind to do something with my weight... after gaining enough courage, i talk with Kristy about my intention to be fitter and healthier... she was so pleased but she said she would love to help but she said this is no playing is real hard work....  i feel a bit freak out and decide i will only start after my final exams which was in 3 weeks time... it is true what she said this is more mental strength rather than physical capacity.. in the 3 weeks period, there are a few times i feel like not doing them..

at last, the time have come... i was so nervous that day my resting heart rate is so high... it started with a blood pressure check, measurement, fat test and then a photograph session which she said to remind me one day how far i been.. then, from all the test, she concluded that i have a good heart so i will be able to do hardcore gym work..ahahha... but i have a  high percentage of fat which mostly centred at my stomach which is medically dangerous... this increase the likeliness of cardiovascular disease.. at that moment, i realise this is not just a playing game of trying to be healthy but this is something i really need to do.. she said now the urgency is to lose weight... she said the less urgent to lose weight, the more focus to lead healthier lifestyles... but as for now, the urgency to lose weight is really high..

the training program she prescribed include a 8 hours of training per week... at first, it seem impossible but after a while, the training part is not a big problem.. but again this is easy to me because i been playing sport all my life... but for people who are overweight but never exercise, you need to start it slowly and 8 hours is quite dangerous to begin with... i use to easy life... the only difficulties that i face is that this hard work is not my comfort zone.. i feel sore everywhere every single days... there are moment i feel like giving up... but as time pass by, pain become my friend and i learn to suck up all the soreness... sometimes, we need to do things the difficult ways to better appreciate them.. honestly, this is the most hard work that i ever endure in my lifetime... i am quite gifted with intelligence so i never really struggling with my studies and the same goes with finance.. i am the youngest girl in my family, i always get away with i understand better some struggle my friends face in their life... some ways, trying to lose weight make me learn more about myself and life...the boundaries that i been putting and the so much strength that i got that i never realise... one thing for sure, if i manage to lose weight i will help others to do so.. but again everything come with a price to pay... and every exercise come with injury to endure... now i got a wrist problem which i hope nothing serious.. i will know the result tomorrow.. but that is life, there is always setback.. but we need to stay strong and just have faith in things that we want..

then the food part... i guess this is the harder part..
     1.  i need to eat every 2-3 hours which is hard to accommodate..
     2.  then, some of the food was never in my food diary...
     3.  no sugar policy is even worst
     4. and lastly most days without carbs at dinner time...
     5. so much veges
     6. water water water

 the first part  and the last one it still in mess... i always forget to eat and drink enough plain water.. i tried to be more organised but still you hardly plan life... sometimes, you already plan to eat then your friend come and talk about her problem, you can't easily say please excuse me i need to eat.. so still with so much responsibility, i still try to figure out how to eat every 2-3 hours.. the second problem is okay, we discuss that when designing the food plan besides some of the food i dont like, she tried to make it so that it will go inline with my taste bud.. no sugar policy was hard as i am a big fan of tea and ice blended... but after a while, i fall in love with green tea and it is acceptable to drink without sugar.. the carbs problem also settled.. i dont know where it come from but i manage not to eat carbs at all at night...  and i also started to love veges... my eating habit is till in is healthy but chaotic... i still slack here and there hopefully will be better in time..

it been nearly 2 weeks with my healthy lifestyle... it is hard as this is not my comfort zone.. and on top of that, sometimes,  people around you let you down.. or people don't really understand... people who will always discourage you... or a friend feel insecure with your changes and trying to stop you... or friends who hate you no longer go to Stabuck with them and will say this and that... or friends who don't know and curious why you been declining their invitations...but whatever you do in this world, there are always people who say that you cant... i remember when i want to do Algebra paper, people say this will only make your CGPA go downhill... but again as long as you have enough determinations and self belief that this is what you want, things will be alright and on top of that  having willingness to sacrifice to achieve your dream.... there will always be obstacles, hardship along the ways but just stay calm and have faith in things that you do.. if it is important to you and if is it things you want to do, just go ahead.. never go against yourself... do what you want to do and do it with all your give without counting the losing weight, healthier lifestyle and inspiring others.. lastly, one things for sure, sometimes we need more than just hard work, we need professional help... cheers


Hi everybody...

Weight loss is always a mystery to everyone including me, myself... I am always overweight since 5 years old... I do play sport sometimes, but as i live in city, life mostly is sedentary...movies, hanging out in Starbuck, playstation and da list goes on...and i have real passion for food...i don't eat as much as what people think, but i do love trying new food... whenever people say there is a new restaurant in town, i will be the one being so excited to go there... but unlike other overweight people, i am blessed with people who does not discriminate against size... i live a pretty normal life and my size never interfere with  anything... as i play sport, people always say that it is okay to be big as long as you are healthy.. but as time pass by, i grown into a young woman and i realise that reality is not as sweet as what people around me been saying to me... when i was 21 years old, i move to overseas to further my studies... Here, where all the stories begin..

As a uni student,  the uni gym is quite affordable... there, where i realise how not fit i was... people run as fast as 12 for woman and 15 for man... i don't know weather this is due to the long leg of the Caucasian or just that they r too fit.. then, from there i started to read about fitness and health... i did lose 8 kg in the first year unintentionally.. it was the first time being so far away from family, i always converted things to my country currency and realise how expensive things were and rarely eat takeaways and also i was so excited with the gym, i did so so much cardio, introduced to group fitness step, TKO, cardio funk and the list goes on....  then it was summer hols, i went back to my country, things happen and i stop going to the gym... but still, i do develop a real passion towards healthy lifestyle... i learn to eat salad and find it was quite nice... i read some of the ways to lose weight but i am quite scared that it is not safe to do i just read them as knowledge but never apply them to life... so over the 2.5 years here, i gain back 8kg that i lose during my first year in university slowly...

one thing i forget to mention is that about my family... my grandmother who stay with me and my dad passed away because of sudden heart attack.. my mum and my brother have been on blood pressure medication for some times... all my family members are overweight except my nephews and youngest brother... besides that, my best fren is also overweight... obviously there is something that need to change...

over the years, i been trying to find people to help me with weight lose... the answer people been telling me is that don't eat but i know it is not safe... i like things to be safe..... weight lose is one of the few things i never been able to mum suggested that i try to find a personal dietician and trainer but again i dont want to work with people that i dont like.... i got a bestfren that is so close with me so when she went back to her country, i miss her so much and started to do things that she loves... one of them is that i started going to a group fitness class of one of her favourite trainer... and here where the story begin...